May Almighty God take good care of Rodwick! Miss the brother!
935 days agoCandle lit by Ricky Singh
He taught me at Global technology. He was a role model to me. We debated religion. He was a God fearing person! I haven't forget him one bit.... We miss him dearly.
2825 days agoCandle lit by Ricky Singh
4208 days agoThought sent by Elizabeth Singh
4215 days agoCandle lit by Elizabeth Singh
My son was a blessed son was a amazing son & a wonderful brother.he will live in my heart forever love Rodwick?
4215 days agoThought sent by Elizabeth Singh
I will always love you my baby boy ? For very in my heart forever love Rodwick. Your mom.
4220 days agoThought sent by Elizabeth Singh
4220 days agoCandle lit by Elizabeth Singh
4220 days agoCandle lit by Elizabeth Singh
I love my son ? With all my heart & miss him
4220 days agoCandle lit by Elizabeth Singh
4220 days agoCandle lit by Elizabeth Singh